27 February 2008

Shiva Dancing on Daemon

Formula for sucessfull design

A formula for successful design lies here:

Clear Requirement + Freedom + Optimum Time = Creative and Productive Output

This formula not only for design but also implies for many professions which needs Creative and Productive output.

26 February 2008

|| A L E K H Y A ||

Welcome to || A L E K H Y A || world. Alekhya provides efficient - and cool - designs.

So, What is Alekhya?

Alekhya is Sanskrit word. The word Alekhya coming under sixty-four activities in fine arts and crafts. Alekhya means Which cannot be written, greatness cannot be expressed in words. It also means Painting, Portrait, Design, Sktech,Writing.

Sit back comfortably, and take a look at our latest works.

-Raghavendra Shet